
Friday, November 6, 2009

Do you give flowers?

If you are a guy, do you give flowers to your girlfriend? If you are a lady, do you ever give flowers to your man?

I have been dating my boyfriend for 4 months and he has never given me flowers. Is this normal? He knows that I like there a way of hinting him in some way?

What is your opinion?

Do you give flowers?
Yes your man should have given you some flowers by now. The problem you're having is related to guys not being thought how to date. Men and women, particularly the younger group have been alienated from these simply traditional methods of showing how special a person is in their lives. For instances, people often give the wrong color rose to their co-workers, friends, family members, and that someone special person in their life. It's not all about sex; its also about finding out what makes that person happy, and doing it. Have one of your friends to hint to him about flowers. Or even better, hint to him your favorite flower and color.

Guys should show that shivery isn't dead. Women don't be shy to give your man flowers for whatever particular reason. Just make sure they are too effeminate.
Reply:i do. ask him to give.
Reply:I give flowers to my wife, and I do other things. It will kill the spontaneity if you have to tell him to give you flowers. However, if you pass subtle hints, and he pays attention and finally gets you flowers, then you get what you wanted, and it shows you that he listens.
Reply:Just make a passing comment like WHY THE F*** DON'T YOU EVER GIVE ME FLOWERS!!! and maybe he'll get you some. And you could always put some flowers in your panties and ask him if he wants to take a sniff of your bush.
Reply:yeah some times

its normal that a guy or a girl dont give flower to their freind

if u want him to give u flower u start giving him some he will get it
Reply:flowers are a nice suprise
Reply:guys dont get hints.

some people think not to buy flowers, they are just going to die.
Reply:Flowers are a bad omen, they die out like many relationships. Just kidding. As a woman I don't really like flowers that much, but I guess if its from some guy who loves me I'm okay with it. I prefer chocolate though. But its sweet when a guy buys you flowers so hopefully he will get you one soon.
Reply:I think every girl deserves flowers... you could just try asking for them sometime...


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