
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Flowers for prom.?


GIRLS: did your man buy you flowers when he picked you up for prom?

GUYS: did you buy flowers for your date when you pick your lady up for prom?

Flowers for prom.?
It has always been tradition for the man to buy a corsage for the girl to wear on her wrist or dress. Now adays, boys or men (which ever you prefer), gets out cheap. They may buy a diner or not, but They DO want sex. They do expect this and this is all I hear from guys. They gloat on it.
Reply:He got my mother a bunch of flowers and gave me corsage but thats what every guy does where i live.
Reply:no i didn't buy her flowers. the only thing i got her was
Reply:yea he did
Reply:yes he did


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