
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How do guys respond to recieving flowers?

I'd like to know what some men, (various different types of guys) would think about recieving flowers from their girlfriend?

I think flowers aren't a one way gift and are a great way to show that you care about him!

I bought my boyfriend flowers lastnight.... he left his house keys at my place when he left for work... So I bought him a bouquet of flowers, (funky looking flowers- not girly ones) and took them to his place, tidied up his house for him before taking his keys in to work.

I'm nice, I know. Teehee.

How do guys respond to recieving flowers?
LOL I love doing things like that for my man!.. First time I did something like that.. I just wanted to make him feel a little better I knew he would be all bummed out he was taking his kids back to their mothers and knew it would be a few more months before he seen them again... when he got home at like 6 in the morning after making a 20 hour trip... he had a card a teddy bear and a rose sitting on his steps.... or letting him find a rose with a i love you note on his car. I would rather do something like that then be the one receiving
Reply:I think its cute... if my gf gave me flowers i would just give her a kiss cos its thoughtful and so cute..
Reply:I like it, I get them

I enjoy getting them!
Reply:My girlfriend brought me flowers last week and I thought she was the best. I have never been given flowers before and I think its great. She gave them to me in front of my kids and the did not know how to react either. It is shocking.
Reply:i wooodin no
Reply:personally i wouldnt want flowers. flowers are more of a girly thing. could you picture what his friends are gonna say to him if they found out. "oh how theweet histh girlfriend gave him flowersth!"
Reply:awwww....thats so sweet! ur like a great gf!! flowers, no. tidying up my house.......woooo...thats sweet!


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