School sucks. =/
Damn teacher is making us do these group project things on flowers for each month and my group got May.
So they left me in charge of finding what flowers bloom in May.
Please and Thank You! :]
What Flowers Start Blooming In May?
cherry tree
peach tree
canna lilies
vinca vine
dog wood
roses (some times in warmer climates)
Reply:Lilac. Azelea. Rhododendrons.
Don't cheat on your homework.
Reply:Plant bulbs, 6 weeks prior to when you want blooms. Cala lillies and tulips love the spring. Don't forget fertilizer.
Reply:Here's some beautiful pictures of what's blooming in May:
Daffodil, Hyacinth, Crocus, Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa), Anemone, Bloodroot, Tulips:
Tulips with Hyacinths in front in 1st pic:
Even though Roses usually start blooming in June in the Northern states, this man has pictures of Roses blooming in May, also early Daylilies:
In Texas, Yarrow, Blue Flax, Daisy, Coreopsis, Sage,:
Here's some pictures of flowers that are blooming in Sacramento, Ca (I didn't list all that is pictured on this site):
Mock orange (Philadelphus), Lilac (Syringa), Dogwood (Cornus) , Speedwell, Byzantine glad (Gladiolus byzantinus), Iris, Clematis, Sweet jasmine, Sweet William (Dianthus), Lobelia, Larkspur, Mophead Hydrangea, Gaillardia, Lily-of-the-nile (Agapanthus), Butterfly bush, Cape Plumbago, Oleander, Columbine (Aquilegia), Star jasmine, Weigela, Verbena, Salvia, Snapdragon, Calla Lily, California Poppy, Wallflower, Rhododendron, Azalea, Coral bells (Heuchera), Geranium, Pansy, Bird-of-Paradise
Good Luck! Hope this helps.
Reply:Maybe some day you'll be interested in a flower garden?
Check out the website link on my blog - Dutch Gardens is the knot-it-all for blooming flowers and their site is full of this kind of info. They are the best if you are looking to buy bulbs for your spring garden.
puppy teeth
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