
Friday, November 6, 2009

Bf didnt give flowers on valentine's day?

We're on long distance relationship,today is Valentine's day and honestly i was expecting flowers from my boyfriend, but he didnt send me even a single rose. I was kinda upset cause my friends get flowers from their partners,I get jealous,

I felt like im not special on this day.

I asked him why he didnt send me flowers he said he doesnt know how to send one. i have to admit I'm a little bit upset.

Am i demanding?If u are on my situation what will u do?

Bf didnt give flowers on valentine's day?
I dont want flowers - they die.

If he sends you flowers does this mean he loves you?

If youre in love then you shouldnt need token gifts to enforce it.

my fiancee and me have been together for 8 years and have never bothered with valentines day.
Reply:MIne didn't either and we're also in a long distance relationship. I don't consider myself materialistic, but I also think it's kinda lame. But, I probably wouldn't care if there wasn't so much hoopla about this stupid day.
Reply:He sent you a card didn't he? What did you send him? The

V-DAY rule doesn't state that only women recive gifts.
Reply:V-day is just another day, if your man feels this is the only day he can show you how much he loves you then what does that really say about him. When he does this 364 days out the year and not on the 365 day then you know your man wants to give you the world. Accept the card and move on.
Reply:no your not demanding, what an idiot lol! girls should always get flowers on v-day lol, did he get you anything??????? happy v-day! xoxoxoxoxo
Reply:maybe when i'm on your situation, i will be upset too =)) LOL

but just try to understand for the sake of your relationship.

it's not really important if he didn't send you flowers when you know that he's loyal and he really loves you =)
Reply:i agree 100% with the girl above me. a persons love should NOT be measured with valentines day gifts, birthday gifts, anniversary gifts etc. material objects are obsolete when it comes to showing someone how you truly care and love them. I understand that maybe you were a little bit bummed but hey! at least he got you a card and didn't forget completely. But don't measure love with flowers =) I'm sure he loves you just the same Have a good valentines day =)
Reply:when you expect something and dont get it you get disappointed but when you dont expect it and dont get it you wont disappoint yourself, your thinking to much into thesee flowers he thought of you he sent a card, dont make him feel bad, it's not like you didnt get anything.

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