
Friday, November 6, 2009

What kind of flowers can I seed in June that will bloom this year?

I love the look of flowers, but I don't have convenient access to a nursery or garden center. I wonder if there are any kind of flowers that I can start in my garden now in June from seed, that would flower anytime this year? So far, I've planted poppies, sunflowers and cosmos. I know the sunflowers will bloom this year, but will the poppies and cosmos? Any thing else I can try?

What kind of flowers can I seed in June that will bloom this year?
It's getting a bit late to be sowing seeds for flowering this year....I would recommend just buying some trays of ready grown alyssum, lobelia, petunia, french marigold etc and planting these out instead.

if you want to grow stuff from seed, try Calendula (Pot Marigold) which is very fast to germinate and flowers within two months. Nigella (Love in a mist) is also a fast grower and will flower in September of you sow seeds now.
Reply:rose,china rose
Reply:just go to the grocery store and get a six pack of panseys and marigolds stuff like that that is already started and you can see the flowers all summer. daisys too.
Reply:Cosmos, esp. varieties of C. sulphureus ( orange/yellow/reddish-orange) ,Zinnias, Sunflowers ,Portulaca are all good . If the popies are annual ones, they will bloom
Reply:try Marigolds, Nasturtium,impatiens,sweet alyssum,lobelia,Pansy,...etc...check the back of the seed packets and it will tell you "days to flower" and "days to germinate" That is how long it takes the seed to sprout... and then it is whatever days to flower from that point...Good Luck..


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