
Friday, November 6, 2009

Burned leaves on flowers from watering during the day?

I just recently got flowers from Home Depot and have planted them around my mailbox. They were the kind you get in the black plastic containers that have already begun to grow. I'm not sure what kind of flowers they are off the top of my head but...

I'm pretty sure that I burned the leaves one day (you know when the leaves turn brown and crinkle up a bit) when I watered them while the sun was bright and shinning on them. Now the plant looks very sad...will it bounce back or have I just murdered my flower?

Burned leaves on flowers from watering during the day?
The leaves that have died will not bounce back. It would be best to pluck them and water the plant in the morning or at dusk...Your plant should start to grow more leaves and soon flowers. Hopefully this was helpful and good luck.

skin disease

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