
Friday, November 6, 2009

Cross-fertilization of flowers?

1. Name 2 ways that cross-fertilization of flowers might happen (besides by the wind)?

2. Why do you suppose the petals of flowers are so colorful, fragrant, uniquely shaped?

3. How many stamens do you see in your flower?

4. Why do you think the stigma is sticky?

Cross-fertilization of flowers?
What is this.... Botany 201? ...I thought I already acquired my college credits for this course!! LOL

PS... Hop, you passed with flying colors!! ...Now he can turn in the homework assignment!

**Billy Ray**
Reply:1. The birds and insects, not to mention almost all animal groups.

2. The petals of the flower can act as directional beacons for the pollinator. That is directing them to the stigma and stamens. Color is important. Bees cannot see red. White flowers are often pollinated at night by moths. Fragrance can be an attractant or a repellent. You forgot nectar (carbohydrate source) and pollen (protein source), both of which are important foods for hummingbirds and insects.

3. The number varies from 1 to hundreds, depending on which species of flower.

4. The stigma is a complex structure. Sticky so pollen, carried by a pollinator can be removed from the body or legs of the pollinator. Also can contain pollen germination inhibitors, or promotors.
Reply:Birds and bees and other insects.

To attract those pollinators that may be meant for it.

Depends upon the flower.

To have the pollen adhere.


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