
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Do flowers grow faster when you water them all the time?

i am very curious. my flowers havent grown much and we havent gotten any water for the past almost 2 months now in north florida. and i know my flowers are taking toll on it too.i have impatien, marigolds, day lilies, morning glories and bunch more. they are not planted in full sun but partial sun but i dont want to move them though. but wont their growth stop when they dont that much water?

Do flowers grow faster when you water them all the time?
Yes and no.

flowers require a certain level of water to thrive. Providing more water then that will generally not speed up growth.

however, less water then that will slow down growth if it does not kill the plant.

Plants lose water through thier leaves so a plant that is not getting much water will not grow many leaves, and many lose leaves (think deciduous trees in winther, they lose thier leaves when they go dormant to conserve water).

So, if they are getting less then the ideal amount of water and you water the more, they will grow more and faster, but only to a certain point, once you reach the ideal watering levels the growth will remain at a constant level.
Reply:no your're over watering them, causing to rot then die
Reply:they will not grow faster if you water them all the time. But they will grow well if you water them properly which would be to water after the soils has dried some.
Reply:No, if you water too frequently you will leech nutrients out of the soil. Fertilizing and/or using a healthy top soil are your best bet (try a spray-on fertilizer as plants absorb it faster and more efficiently). Also, if you want to check whether or not you need to water, stick your finger into the soil about 1 inch down, if it comes up with soil on it, there's still sufficient water, if it's dry then it's time to water again.


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