
Sunday, March 14, 2010

I have received flowers from my kids but they didn't offered them from their heart Should I be upset?

My daughters have 17 and 18 years old. yesterday it was Mother's Day and they gave me flowers, as traditionally. However, they were nervous and I felt that they weren't happy to offer me something. My elder girl's boyfriend, who lives in my house and I consider him as my son, also bought some flowers but he didn't offer them. I found them on a table and the girls told me that they are from him. I have explained them that when you give flowers you have to do it with all your heart and my girl said no, it was enough that they bought them. I was upset and I thought that the life of a mother is very hard you have to do everything and to not wait for love. What do you think?

I have received flowers from my kids but they didn't offered them from their heart Should I be upset?
They bought you your flowers.. what were you expecting, a parade in your honor? How exactly does one give flowers "with all their heart"? If they're nervous about giving their mother flowers on mothers day, then there's probably areason for it. Maybe their mothers ridiculous expectations.
Reply:My heart goes out to you. You are not doing anything wrong. Your children are like some other children who go through a stage where they dislike parents for no reason at all. I mean this sincerly, the only thing you can do is put them in God's hands. So many people tried to tell me how to raise my children. I did not listen to them and thank God that I didn't. Hard as it is, you just have to have faith.

My children were in their late 20s when they started showing more love for me. They still cannot tell me that they love me. That is ok. Actions speak louder than words is what they tell me. Good luck and don't give up.
Reply:I think you're a bit self absorbed and that your daughters are too.
Reply:Do not forget they are still teenagers. You know , they feel embarassed to show their feeling for their "old" parents. And your daughter's boyfriend may have the same problem, maybe he is a little shy. My fiance behaves almost the same with me and with his mother, even if i know for sure he loves me and his mother too. So , don't worry, maybe it is hard for them to express their feelings, maybe they feel only embarassed, but i am sure they love you
Reply:I think that the best way to not worry about something like this is to get out and do something nice for someone. Your email comes across a bit like you are being a martyr.

Yes, we do a lot of things for our kids, and yes, it's hard work. That's part of being a mother. You don't constantly remind your kids of how much you have done for them and how ungrateful they are. That's a good way to make them feel resentful.

So, my suggestion for you is to develop a life outside your kids. They are almost (if not already) grown. You've raised them. Now go do some things that you would like to do. Take a class. Get a degree. Volunteer. Get a part time job. Just do something you have always wanted to do with your life. Don't focus so much on your kids and how ungrateful they are. If you set an example for them as an indepentent, courageous woman who is interesting and intelligent, they will respond accordingly.

You only have one life to live. It sounds like you've spent most of it doing things for others. It's your turn now.
Reply:It shows only one thing and that is : They are scared of you. They don't know when you will lose your temper. Believe it or not. They love you. But they felt afraid that you would not like it. Show your love. Appreciate the fact that they took out the time to bring you flowers. If they wanted to, they would have ignored the Mother's Day. Instead of thanking them graciously, you simply said that they should have done it with their heart. How would you feel if you brought a dress for your daughter and she said the same thing? That is exactly what they felt.
Reply:you need to be grateful that your daughters are there and that they are thinking of you after all they gave you flowers. why is it that someone that has the love of their children still find something to complain about get over yourself and thank god your children are their. some of us don't have that luxury,we don't even get a hello, because they get taken away too early

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