
Sunday, March 14, 2010

What to do about a cat that eats flowers?

"My cat is a "lilac Burmese" and whenever I bring flowers of any kind into the house she just either devours all the flowers or tears them to shreds.

Roses and violets go to the top of the list. At first I thought it may have been the smell which appealed but even non scented flowers attract her unwanted attention.

I have even slathered the vases in menthol which she hates but the attraction of the flowers is just too great.

Nothing I do can detract her from this course but amazingly enough she is cunning enoughto know which flowers are poisonous and after a few initial sniffs just trys to break the stalks and then walks away.

Nothing I do deters her - this is a real problem as I have a lovely garden and dearly wish to have cut flowers inside.

I might add she is the third burmese I have had and never before encountered this problem.

Please help at wits end.

Has anybody got any solution to this problem?"

What to do about a cat that eats flowers?
If your cat is unable to get access to grass she may attempt to eat your house plants instead. Do you allow your cat outside??? Let her out everyday and let her eat grass- if she brings it back up that is perfectly normal.

Sometimes cats eat plants as they are lacking fiber in their diet, it may be an idea to talk to your vet about your cats diet.

As for preventing it .....mmm try spraying them with pyrethrum. or just put them somewhere she can't reach them

good luck!
Reply:Maybe she would prefer some cat grass or fresh catnip. Some cats enjoy lettuce cut into thin sticks while others like to play with pea pods or melon balls.

Depending on your taste, you might try hanging vases or wall vases. You can also use floating wall shelves inaccessible to your cat with vases on those.
Reply:Have you tried misting the flowers with a citrus spray?

You might also try hiding with a spray bottle after you put the flowers out and giving her a squirt when she goes after them.

Maybe put double sided tape on the surface of the table you place the flowers on?

genealogy mormon

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