
Friday, March 12, 2010

Dried flowers from a dance.. ideas?? how to?

im going to put a flower or two from my bouquet and put them in my senior memory book.

and then i have a lot left.. soo.. maybe from them somehow with my offical dance picture in the middle.. ideas on how to do this??

**note that i wont have my pictures for a few weeks, possibly a month or so.

so i can dry the flowers out until them but is it okay if i dont place them and frame them for a while??


Dried flowers from a dance.. ideas?? how to?
It will take that long or longer to dry them out completly. They make some really cool stuff that you just dip the flower in and it dries it. Unless you want to press them flat. I suggest not putting them near your picture because it could cause damage to the picture.
Reply:If you are going to put them in a book you will need to press them, or else the dried flowers will crinkle when you shut the book. To press a flower you will need to place them in a book a while ( I would say 4-6 days, but it varies).

P.S. You need to do this when the flowers are still fresh. You're memory book sounds like a lovely idea!

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