
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cats and Flowers?

we received many beautiful flowers for Valentine's day this year (me, my sister, and my mother). for the past few days we havent been able to fully enjoy them because we have had to lock them in our bathroom so our cats couldnt get to them. we really want to set them out in the dining room and living room so we can enjoy them and enjoy all the beautiful colors they are but our cats get them so easily we tried putting them on the entertainment stand but they got to them. we tried putting them on the kitchen table but they get to them. we even tried putting them on my grandmother clock that i built but we quickly decided that we didnt want them to get up there and knock the flowers and the clock over because i worked very hard on it. how can i get them to leave the flowers alone so we can actually display them throughout our home.

Cats and Flowers?
Either put up a shelf that there is no way the cats can reach, put a metal cage around the flowers so the cats can't get near it or lock the cats in a room until you are done with the flowers.

They make sprays that you can get at the pet store that are supposed to keep pets away from areas that are sprayed, but I have yet to find any that work.

Your best bet is to choose a room and make it totally off limits to the cats. You could super glue the vase to a shelf and the cats will still find a way. Once they are determined to get at something, it takes a miracle to stop them.
Reply:I had the same problem and had to get rid of the plants. I just wanted to make sure you were aware that some flowers are poisionus to cats. I wasnt and had to rush home to get it out of my house. I had lillies, and if a cat gets the pollen on her fur then licks it, she will probably die. Below is a website of poisionus plants, just incase.
Reply:Unfortunately, you can't. Cats will build sophisticated ladders to get to plants. (just kidding). But seriously, most cut flowers contain one or more types that are toxic to cats. Florists don't make their bouquets with kids or pets in mind, they just use flowers that look pretty. Get rid of the flowers. Sorry.
Reply:Domestic felines were originally feral. They see the flowers and think they're back in a jungle somewhere.


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