
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Flowers for Men??

Research in the USA says that over 60% of men would like to recieve flowers and with the rise in the new man/ metrosexual, current interest in interior design, not to mention gay weddings this makes sense.... I was wondering, if a man was to want flowers, what he would like in terms of colours, style, arrangement etc.

Flowers for Men??
I would think this depended on the occasion and his lifestyle. For metro sexual, I would have to say what is in season as to style. For the heterosexual man I would not go for anything pink. They would both probably prefer something tasteful, maybe a succulent cacti ( the non prickly kind). Or even something classic like roses (deep red or white). Older men might like chrysanthemums. The occasion is important aspect as well. To cheer someone up, sunflowers might be perfect. Making a statement of love, lilies or roses. Each person might differ on favorite color as well. I like (for the season) purple, red, or whites (but not together).However, look in a floral shop to see the selection. Potted plants (including flowering plants) last longer, if this is for a romantic relationship. I tend to like those better. As for arrangement, nothing too complicated. Simple is always best.
Reply:I really much like your Molly Hadley, very detail and informative. Thank you. Report It

Reply:Flowers for Men - It is an interesting questions. For my personal experience being as a florist, I know a lot of men would love to receive flowers from their girlfriends or wives. They also want the attention and caring. There is nothing wrong for guys to receive flowers. They are a gentle thoughts from their lovers. Moreover, they would want to experience themselves on how their girlfriends/wives 's feelings when they receive flowers. We live in the society where always for being fair. Why men cannot receive flowers?
Reply:MEN give flowers they do not not receive them
Reply:Wrong man to ask, flowers are wasted on me, I'd rather have a pint!!! As for metrosexual it's just for blokes who like wearing pink skirts. I'm sure there is another name for it!!
Reply:Honestly flowers are probably not THE single best gift you could get for a guy--I certainly wouldn't be unhappy if my significant other showed up with flowers, but there are other things that would catch my attention more (baseball tickets, say).
Reply:Why not, you find a lot of men pottering aroung the plants in the garden!

the type of flower would have to depend on the man they are for, but what about big, bold flowers that are bold in colour - deep red for example.
Reply:Umm, I think I speak for ALL MEN, when I say "We'd much rather have a pocket knife".
Reply:Why not send him a silk flower lampshade, something hand made and unique. It would last for years longer than flowers. Check out Pure3Design for really special stuff.
Reply:My daughter once gave me flowers on one knee. I have never forgotten that. One of those treasured memories forever locked safely within my heart. first time any girl/woman has ever done such a thing. deeply touching.

I would love to receive flowers, as long as they have not been bought. hand picked and wild is awesome.

Any girl/woman who goes out of her way to do anything special for me usually wins over my heart. I have friends on 360 who do the same. Anything different that has required even a little bit of effort or time or thought knocks me out! Literally!!

It is the thought that counts, like these friendship bracelets. I am sure i would be soooo grateful deep within my heart to receive such a thing if i thought it had been specially made for me. I appreciate the simple things in life like a kind heart. It is also one of the most precious, almost priceless commodities on this earth.

Have a fab sunday. Spreading a little love costs so little and means soooo much!!

hugs xoxoxox
Reply:Well I would think men would like a power-full flower. I would get my other half one that is similar to his car. In fact i have.

Lily's are great guy flower and carnations to because of the color variety.
Reply:My wife frequently buys me flowers. Love her and them.
Reply:Men receive flowers, i give my man flowers all the time, he just doesn't want anyone to know so don't embarrass him and send them to him at work where he has to walk around with them everywhere, he wont like that trust me.
Reply:well my dear i am a married interior decorator . my husband sends me flowers about every two month. theres no exact color. but if you no this guy youl no his favourite color so go with that as for texture or design b uy a mix .hope this helps ps i love white so my husband sends me white tiger lillies fresh clean and uncomplicated simple but effective.kirt j banderiezz

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