
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Flowers to plant! help?

for my moms birthday i want to plant flowers in the backyard

we have this spot where i would put it and the dirt is kinda like wood chippy but only a really small bit not that much. things are growing there right now but i dont know how to properly plant them and care for them.

please tell me what kinda flowers i should put there

make them pretty but economical

and put a picture please

and please tell me how to plant/care for them



Flowers to plant! help?
For Late Summer into FALL ...QUICK %26amp; EASY (I'm in Zone 7--it's 70-100 degrees daily, hot at night too %26amp; getting time to plant fall flowers

can't beat.. MARIGOLDS --THEY'RE A VARIATION OF CHRYSANTHEMUMS . ANY FORM OF MUM is perfect.... some are only 6" tall some about a foot tall. ..

I personally HATE them, because they're so common, but you can't beat them for a long-lasting splash of color! Mostly yellows %26amp; variations of yellow, but note when you're traveling around %26amp; you'll find that red, white %26amp; yellow flowers show up from the farthest distance! You'll get lots of bang for your buck, lots of bloom time %26amp; in they're in clusters so it' looks like you've done a lot, but haven't. (there are new strains of lavender -to-burgandy out there too)

Cost? CHEAP! You can get 6-packs for $1.50-$2.00---get a bunch, stick 'em in the ground %26amp; water! Just water regularly %26amp; some may die, but so what? They're cheap! I do Miracle Grow once a month %26amp; have beautiful flowering plants %26amp; off 3 cumcumber vines in a pot on my deck, I get enough cukes to be sick of 'em so the miracle grow does well! (SECRET INGREDIENT FOR ALL my miraculously huge plants!......stuff called ROOT BLAST--GOT a huge amount off QVC years ago. You drop a tsp. in the soil at the roots when planting--it makes the roots grow super fast %26amp; HUGE so the plant does the same!)


Here's an image link for the flowers:

Some basic level planting information here:
Reply:Hi there, muf,

You didn't say where you live, but gardening season is over. We will soon be going into Fall and Winter.

The chippy things were probably mulch to keep in the moisture.

Here are some things you can do before spring of next year:

"Since you are a beginner, this year start your garden with plants that you get from a garden center or nursery. They are called bedding plants and come in a six pack. Look for a little tag sticking in the six pact showing directions on how to grow the plants. If the tag is not there, ask for one or buy something else. Directions are VERY important.

Seeds are not always easy to grow. And wildflowers are the hardest so don't be disappointed if they don't show up.

Two good things to do for yourself is to call your local County Extension Service and ask for all the information that they have about gardening in your area. They usually have a packet/kit of things for the home gardener.

And number two would be to pick up a couple of beginner books. You really do need to know about soil, compost, mulch and etc. My sweet hubby and I have always liked the Dummies series, but there are many, many good books to buy, or visit your local library.

To keep from over watering or not watering enough, buy a water analyzer from a nursery or garden center. Be sure to read the directions. This will be one of your best tools.

Send for some free gardening catalogs and get use to the different types of plants, colors, and when to plant. They are filled with good informtion and pictures. And they will keep you company during the long winter months. Here is a list of just a very few. There are hundreds more. You do not have to buy from them: (Roses)

Other catalogs: (all types of animal control) "

make up

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