
Saturday, October 24, 2009

I sent her flowers. What did she mean by "It's a bit wierd. A bit random?"?

I don't think she's really noticed me. I sent the pharmacy girl flowers. She said they were lovely. Short of asking her out, I asked her if she minded me sending her flowers. She looked coyly downwards and said, "I don't know. It's a bit wierd. A bit random." I said I've known her for about 18 months, and I had an opportunity to give someone flowers, and I thought of her. Again she looked shyly to the floow. I don't know what to make of her reaction. Does she think I'm some kind of wierdo crazy stalker, or is she just really shy and unsure?

I sent her flowers. What did she mean by "It's a bit wierd. A bit random?"?
She's probably a bit taken aback because you don't really know her on a personal basis, other than via your prescription pad. That's probably why she's being a bit weird herself. I know if a guy sent me flowers without knowing me like that, I'd be rather hesitant myself. If you like her you most likely should have tried to ask her out, even if it is only for coffee. You could ask her to have coffee with you during her lunch. That way neither of you has to have the stress of having a formal 'date' but get to know each other in a 'safe' and relaxed way and will give you both a legit reason to end the time easily since she'll have to go back to work. Also, she probably had no idea that you like her and so was uncomfortably surprised. Sending flowers with no prior relationship would appear weird and random to her since you said you had an opportunity to send 'someone' flowers and you picked her. I understand what you meant by that, that you like her, but she was probably totally unaware of what you meant when you said that and thought that you were thinking, "Oh, who can I send this freebie of flowers to? Oh, the prescription girl!" So that's why she said it seemed 'random'.

At this point, I don't know what you can do, except maybe tell her you did not mean to freak her out and apologize in a small way (just like, say, "I'm sorry if that overwhelmed you, I did not mean to upset you, I just thought of who I knew that I thought was nice and sweet and you came to mind first." Hopefully, she will be a little more understanding.

I really don't know what else to advise you. Just don't overdo it with the apology. Then you will seem like an overeager stalker!LOL!
Reply:The only way you are going to find out is to ask her. If you've been eying her for 18 months, isn't it time to take a chance and ask her out?
Reply:she doesnt like you like that, and she feels bad.

she likes the flowers, but she feels guilty for taking them because she isnt interested.

im sorry. maybe you can ask her what she means.

if shes not interested then it would be best to move on.

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