
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Vase of flowers on desk, what does it mean?

What does a vase of flowers on a desk supposed to mean or represent? In Yuu Watase's manga "Imadoki Nowadays", there's a scene where Tanpopo Yamazaki (%26amp; Tsukiko Saionji if you wanna get technical) finds a vase of flowers on her (Tanpopo's) school desk. A few of the other students whisper "I bet one of them cries" %26amp; "I'll bet one of them gets mad". After Tanpopo's exclaimation of "PRETTY!!", one of the other students yells at her "Do you know what it means to put flowers on a desk!?" And the book doesn't make any kind of side note to its meaning, which is kinda frustrating. But, yeah. What does it mean?

Vase of flowers on desk, what does it mean?
In Japanese tradition, when one died, ppl would place a flower vase on the dead person's desk. In the manga, the classmates who placed the vase on Tanpopo's desk is implying their curse/wish to Tanpopo's death. But of course, as innocent and naive as Tanpopo, she wouldn't think that much......
Reply:flower vase is pronounced as hua -ping in Mandarin. to have a flower vase displayed somewhere prominent (at the mantlepiece or upon entrance) is symbolic of safety/peace for the family (ping-ping-an-an, or, chu-ru-ping-an)
Reply:At a Japanese school, a vase of flowers on a student's desk means that the occupant of that desk has died. In this case, it's a pretty nasty means of ijime (bullying).

White Teeth

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