
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Stem to flowers on tomato plants turn yellow and the flower dies What to do?

why does the stem to the flowers on my tomato plants turn yellow and the flower dies?

Stem to flowers on tomato plants turn yellow and the flower dies What to do?
The plant is protecting itself, and it does so by dropping the flowers. Something is stressing the plant and it can be as simple as the night time temps are not high enough yet to set fruit or it may have a virus. It would take a ton of information to even begin to guess at the problem.
Reply:The plant probably has a fungus. A lot of tomato varieties are succeptible to virus and fungus diseases. I doubt if there's anything to be done about it. If you don't want to toss them and start over call the county extension service, take them a sample and they can confirm what you've got. Usually its not worth the time and expense of treating a diseased plant. But that's up to you.

Next year try a different variety than you planted this year. Or plant antique or heritage seeds.
Reply:Dont know I,m having same problem, so cant wait to get your answers!!!
Reply:It sounds like the branch has been broken, or you needed to put a collar of paper or cardboard down where the plant comes out of the ground, so the cut worms can't chew the stem.
Reply:Without looking at plants it sounds like you may be are giving them too much water. Tomatoes don't need to be watered every day if in pots. Too much water, if plants survive, will cause your fruit to burst open when ripe. Cut back just to keep soil moist, not soaking. Also if in ground, water late at nite. If ground is wet during hottest time of day, it will steam plants. Water when it has enough time to soak deap in ground before sun hits them. Hope this helps and good luck!
Reply:your tomato plant is dying Either to much water or not enough, Is it in a very sunny area it needs lots of sun
Reply:many things can cause the plant to start dying,

if you water in the morning, or noon, try watering in the evening, you can scorch the plant if it is too hot when you water

try plant food, or adding soil to the dirt there planted in, as they may not be getting enough nutrition

see if there are any bugs eating off the tomato plant, this can also kill it

skin disease

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