
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wilting flowers!?

yeah, i brought roses for my mom 2 days ago, and when i brought it, half of them hadnt blossomed yet, and my mom likes blooming flowers, so i brought it. now, theyre wilting! its only been 2 days, why are half of them dead? i keep them in a vase half filled with water, and i change the water daily, so whats the problem! its so heartbreaking to see dying flowers! :(

Wilting flowers!?
Roses sometime suffer from this droop thing, because air bubbles in the stems. This might work, might not, depends how far gone.

Plunge roses in cold water. Take a hat pin and insert in stem behind bloom at about a 60 degree angle from the head (releases the trapped air, allowing water to the head. Clip the stems off at a 45 degree angle. Do that all underwater. Leave for 5 minutes.

Be aware some florists actually wire the rose buds in position when arranging.

Take roses out of water holding upside down. Place in new vase of cold water. As much of the stem as possible should be submerged, given the arrangement. Sometimes I place a few ice cubes in the vase, and then fill with cold water, and then place the roses in the vase.
Reply:When you got the flowers home did you cut the bottoms of the stems off? They are kinda like a Christmas Tree, you need to trim off just the bottom so the flower will continue to suck up water and continue to live.
Reply:dissolve an apirin in the water... that should help
Reply:Hey try putting half to full teaspoon of sugar in the water or you can purchase crystals to prolong the life of cut flowers.
Reply:Well may be some of them were bloomed.However keep changing the water everyday it might work

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