
Friday, March 12, 2010

Bridesmaid flowers.....?

Would it be to tacky to have them carry different flowers? They are wearing the same color dress in different styles but the same length. Do you think the different flowers would be to much going on?

I have 5 bridesmaids.

Bridesmaid flowers.....?
I had my bridesmaids each carry a single rose in a different colour.

Red for Love

Pink for Joy

White for Hope

Yellow for Friendship

all the things that I wanted to bring to my marriage. My maid of honour and myself then had bouquets with all the colours in them.

I had the flowers and their meanings printed on the back of our wedding program.

We had many compliments on how we managed to have the flowers be meaningful and nobody cared that the girls all carried roses of differrent colours.

If you want them to have different flowers then go for it. It's your day!
Reply:Let them carry their favorite flower.. whatever it is. but all in the same color. (white or matching wedding color)


Let them carry different colors of the same flower..(rose, tulip, etc.)

It allows for unity as well as diversity.
Reply:i say go for it due to the dresses are diffret styles but same color and length why not throw diffrent flowers all i say keep it in the same color palet you are using ie dont use a red flower if you are doing pink whites an peach colors if you are make sure one of the girls has a softer red color to pull them all together
Reply:its your wedding, YOUR big day you should be able to have whatever you want.. i dont think 20 years down the road people will be saying oh my god how tacky were the flowers...yuck!
Reply:grass. natural is bestttt.
Reply:Wow... something that I've never heard of before. Nice idea, hopefully it'll start a new trend and then you can say 'yeah I started all that'. So with that being said... I say GO FOR IT!!!
Reply:A few months ago I was in your situation exactly. I decided to have them carry all of the same flowers though. I had really wanted them to carry all different flowers that had different meanings to them, but I thought the same flowers would tie everything together a little more. I don't think that it would look bad, but I do think that it will look a little more tidy, for lack of a better word.

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