
Friday, March 12, 2010

Bringing flowers to a girlfriend while she is at work...weird or not?

I want to walk into my girlfriends workplace and give her flowers... is that a bad move? we've been dating for about 3 months. I have never given her flowers before. I am also going to dress nice. I want to do this because it takes guts and I know no one else has ever done this for her.

Bringing flowers to a girlfriend while she is at work...weird or not?
AWWW that is sooo sweet!!! I would love if a man would do that for me :o)
Reply:do it
Reply:I'm sure she will appreciate it. its always nice to get flowers from your man. its romantic. and if no one has ever given her flowers then it will mean even more to her.

i know i would love it if i were given flowers from my guy, its a sweet and romantic gesture.
Reply:that's cool man DO IT TO IT. good move. takes guts
Reply:go for it....girls love flowers and giving it in front of all her girl friends would make them jealous and she'd feel really would make her feel like a beauty queen!

that's really sweet and romantic of you...
Reply:Do it! I know that personally I would appreciate it, so I'm SURE your girlfriend would. That's a really sweet thought :-)
Reply:Thats a great idea but I think it would be better to surprise her by ordering flowers online and having them delivered to her! She would be so surprised and feel so special! Imagine everyone asking her "wow, they're beautiful, who are they from? Man he must really love you" Yeah thats more romantic in my opinion and she'll appreciate it very much too. I did this for my girl and man did I score points! Good luck:)
Reply:That's really sweet! I wish my bf would bring me flowers at work. Her co-workers will be so jealous!
Reply:Yay! That's so sweet! Do it, she'll love it... I would, anyways. I think it is a good idea, it's not like your proposing, just taking her flowers.
Reply:its both but i guess weird.
Reply:aww, do it! thats so sweet! she'll love it!
Reply:I would personally be impressed, Just dont be suprised if something dosent go like you expected. :) Either way it will work out for the best.
Reply:so sweet....=)
Reply:Its really fine!!!!!
Reply:Thats a good move. Make her feel appriciated. She'll love it without a doubt. I mean she'll turn red but it will be a good red. Just don't dress up to much. No tux or suit. Nice slacks and a dress shirt, no tie.
Reply:I think it would be sweet. Just maybe check with her boss or something?

Her day will be a lot more better at work if you give her flowers. plus she'll be the gossip of the afternoon. about what a caring boyfriend she has. ;]
Reply:go for it, it will make her day, and it will show her friends at work that you really care and probably make their men do something special for them lol. it couldn't hurt anything in other words...
Reply:Women absolutely LOVE that! It is not weird at all! All the coworkers go "ooohhh and aaahhh" and "wow, you're so lucky!." The lucky girl will feel like the most special person in the world. I know that's the way I feel when I get flowers at work. She will really appreciate it.


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