
Friday, March 12, 2010

Why flowers?

I have tried to ask my girlfriends why they think flowers embody love when they fade and die in a short time. If you are expressing your true love wouldnt you want comething that lasts forever?

P.S. yes, i know flowers look and smell nice, thats not the point.

Why flowers?
who knows...but diamonds last forever!
Reply:flowers give off a signal in the brain that make people feel good and put them in a good mood. and it came from the heart. that is what counts. so what it only last a few days that isn't the point i bet she didnt say. oh great there only gonna die. no of course not it going to make her day %26amp; every day she she's them they make her smile because she remebers how she felt when she got them. and also when ever she she's flowers she'll remenber when she got some and make her smile a againg. so it's the gift that keeps on giving.
Reply:Flowers are romantic and they symbolize love, romance, and beauty. It doesn't really matter if they fade or die soon. When a guy gives you flowers it kind of shows you that there at least thinking about you. I mean, if you were a girl wouldn't you be flatter to know that your man took the time to buy you flowers by showing you he thinks and cares about you? I know that if my man did I would be very flattered. That's why I love flowers plus you don't have to waste money you could just pick some on the way and it will still look good. Also it's a girl thing =-)
Reply:it's a girl thing I guess. I know this cause my daughter is two and she likes flowers now. I pick one on the way home, give it to her and she sticks it behind her ear. It's just natural for them to like flowers/.
Reply:Get them some fake flowers and say "As long as this flowers lives, I will love you"
Reply:my girl hate flowers
Reply:i hate flowers. they are waste of money,because they are expensive %26amp; then they die.
Reply:I agree with you , Something that will last forever.
Reply:Not everything can be rationalised nor should it be. If your girlfriend enjoys the flowers be glad that you can provide something she likes.
Reply:That's the whole idea. They DON'T last very long.

Only rich people can afford freash flowers every day of the year.

It is a luxury.

The fact that a guy spent that much money on something that won't last very long, just proves how much he really loves her.

Flowers are not practical. They are just a way to show a girl how much you love her.

I think it's nice.
Reply:Flowers remind women of their own fragility. Flowers are sweet, soft, and delicate... all the things women like to think of themselves being. Yes, they do die... which gives you a reason to buy more and inturn she recieves another gift... which is always looked forward to. Best wishes
Reply:I'd like to know too. I HATE flowers because they die... Why do people want their boyfriends to waste so much damn money on something that doesn't even last that long?

My ex bought be a large bouquet of roses on Valentine's Day that must have cost a fortune because they were all in full bloom and it was Valentine's Day. I would have preferred something I could have kept, like some silver, platinum plated ring on one of those home shopping channels that cost a fraction of what he must have spent.
Reply:Um, flowers are pretty and sweet-smelling. And (once) alive. What more can I say?
Reply:its a girl thing
Reply:cuz they are pretty plus we are hoping you'll get more romantic then just the flowers. Here's a tip that I heard and it would definitly win me over stick a fake rose in the middle and tell her you'll love her until the last rose dies. at first she'll be scared until she realizes there's one that doesn't! good luck!
Reply:y question something that makes ur gurl happy? jus let nature be. nothin lasts a lifetime.
Reply:I would say it's a hangup from the age of chivalry, way back in the mediaeval days. There was a 'language of flowers' back then; if you gave a girl a violet, it meant you wanted to see her feet naked, or something like that. It was a way of public flirting that was socially sanctioned.

I gave a girl flowers once and she looked at them and said politely,

"Hm. A bunch of dying plants' sexual organs, how lovely."

I haven't done flowers since then. She was right, they're plants' sex organs. Why? Maybe that's the answer right there!
Reply:Because flowers symbolize beauty and beauty is associated with love.
Reply:u r right but most of men think of that be cause flowers look and smell nice

i know that but this thing lasted for centuries and u cant change it in a sec
Reply:well, i don't like flowers! But, I have no idea why most women like flowers!
Reply:Well from a gurl point of view,

I think flowers represent a symbolic meaning. Even though it starts as a beautiful smelling flower it dies but its just as beautiful when it dies as it is when alive. When a guy gives a girl flowers he's telling her that although time may go by and things calm down you are still beautiful to me.

DID that make since.
Reply:flowers are romantic even if they are gonna fade away in a weeks time... women are fools for romance....
Reply:it's a test by women. they want to see if you'll spend good money on something that is useless just for them. that's the price we pay to get what we want.
Reply:I never got that either, but they are lovely. Maybe because they're so delicate.


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