
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Flowers for a guy??


one of my guy friends is gonna perform in a concert soon.. and i'll be attending it with some good friends plus my boyfriend~

would it be weird for us to give him a bouquet of flowers??

if no.. what kinda flowers should we give?

if yes.. what other gifts do you recommend??

thanks a billion for the help!!!! =)

Flowers for a guy??
Its absolutely not weird. I'm an actor and musician and have gotten flowers on an opening night many times. You usually give them once the performance is over. Its an old tradition and has not an iota to do with "gay" or "straight." Nonsense.

They're usually roses but I don't know of any hard and fast rule. I've usually gotten a single flower as opposed to a boquet. I ALWAYS appreciated it greatly. I'm not much of a flower guy so usually Mom or Grandma would get them next; this is also because plants seem to die when I try to take care of them!

Good for you. You're doing the right thing.
Reply:There you go! Good deal. Thanks for picking my answer. Report It

Reply:Depends from person to person,

I personally don't like flowers but I'm not kinda concert guy, I'm a geek.

So if you're to give me something I'd like iphone or a Raptor 13K RPM hard drive (oh would love to have that).

I wouldn't mind 1 year free subscription for WoW either :D

What person likes differs.
Reply:Its not weird :)

Just not common , you can gift a lot of things to guys :D

I personally like anything, literally anything what is from my friends :D

Good gift is a surprise party ( i had only 1 in my life and i will remember it forever) And the best gift ever is the gift what comes from your heart no matter if its flowers or shirt or anything else :D

Good Luck!!
Reply:its not weird to give flowers to a guy after his performance. unless you give him flowers on valentine's, that will be totally weird!

you can choose a bouquet of flowers, or a bouquet of cookies, or a bouquet of candies.
Reply:Gonna be unique but still weird?

probably he' s going to laugh or will appreciate it?

can you just simply write him a letter??

if i were him and i received a letter from a friend,,im going to keep and appreciate it........

tell all the appreciation you can say about him that you can't tell infront of him......

Say that you idolized him a lot and his special bla bla...

thank you for being a friend and i love you so much....(you can't say that infront of him)
Reply:if your looking for a laugh then ya give him some really girlly flowers but if you dont want to make him embaresed dont like dinner after is cool or a giftcard to a place he likes or an itunes gift card or somthing and just to let you no a card full of money is a great gift!
Reply:Flowers are a nice gift buy why not a lovely orchid instead. You can buy beautiful orchid plants at big box stores for about 12.00. Or get him a nice bottle of wine that he can open when he wants . What a wonderful thought.
Reply:Ah what a kind and loving heart you have. Flowers with a smile - what a present. Do give flowers bouquet. Please also add a small item of need. Say a small pack of shaving kit.
Reply:sometimes guys like fella says its unfair that women expect them and guys never get them, so i bought him some once and he loved them! lol. i say go for it. and just choose a bouquet that has a colour that he likes :)
Reply:It just depends. Attend the concert and after the concert get him to sign the program and take his picture with you. Make sure he gets a good 5X7 copy. Costs much less and means much more.
Reply:Some guys do not like flowers at all, I would just cheer and applaud very loudly after his performance and let him know he was fantastic - offer to treat him to dinner or a drink after the concert.
Reply:Yeah thats a bit ******* weird. And a bit homo-erotic.

Not that guys don't like flowers but....

Just congratulate him and give him a hug or something.
Reply:no absolutely no i think he'll be happy if you give him a bouquet of flowers in different color do not put in the bouquet lot of red flowers,

good luck
Reply:no fowers rock 4 anyone

plz asnwer;...
Reply:It depends on his personality and his interests! Most of them that i know would feel strange receiving flowers.But some men would love to receive them! Maybe a plant. There are some bamboo type plants that might be good!
Reply:Blue roses or carns. My Dad LOVES to get flowers %26amp; he's a real man. He loves beauty, for you 2 give flowers is a double beautiful statement!
Reply:ive seen guys get flowers after their performance. i've seen red roses be given but i think you can give other kinds too.
Reply:why not? flowers arnet necassarly gender unique. my father loves flowers and youtiful and you must admit they are a beautiful and thoughtful gift
Reply:Yes, red carnations. They are inexpensive and they last a long time.
Reply:flowers for a guy??? only if he is gay.
Reply:Beer is the male version of flowers.

Case of beer. Or a 40 of his fave.
Reply:anything from white carnations to red roses

love and support

it's all good
Reply:ummm shouldn't the if yes and if no be switched lol... anyhow i would giove them.. to inbarise him of course
Reply:NOT FLOWERS i dont know what but guys hate flowers

if gay yes
Reply:mmmm noooooo i dont think so .... go with a bottle of champaign dosnt have to be a expensive bottle
Reply:Only if he's gay......
Reply:If he's gay, yes, flowers are okay.

If not, then I think it's a little weird. Maybe take him to dinner afterwards or something.

skin disease

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