
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Flowers for someone in a skit? (See details)?

I'm going to see my best friend perform in a skit for a competition, and I haven't seen her in a while, so I just want to bring some flowers for her. But it's not like it's for a major play or anything, just a skit, for a competition she's in. Anyone have any idea what kind of flowers I should get, or what kind I shouldn't? And how many? Haha, I know this is dumb, but I'd appreciate your input! :-)

Flowers for someone in a skit? (See details)?
that is so sweet. it doesn't matter what you get her, she'll love it. It's not dumb. A girl loves it anytime she gets flowers.
Reply:My best friend (a guy who lives a couple of states away) and I are both in theater, and here's my input: if I was seeing him again (I only get to actually SEE him about once a year) and he was in a show, even a small one, I would bring him carnations and Easter lillies, because I know those are his favorites. And I know it would mean about a hundred times more to him than a dozen roses would, because it shows that I care. ^.^
Reply:You should get the kind of flowers SHE likes the best. I don't think there is any good luck/bad luck thing.

Once - I was in a play -and somebody was playing a very evil character and an actor friend sent them black roses - saying that was a tradition - but I'd never heard of it. And I don't know of any other "rules" about flowers.

A nice bouquet - of roses - or even carnations - or just one flower with some greenery around it would be fine too. Whatever you can afford and you think she would like.

You're a nice guy!!


Reply:You often see red roses being tossed up on stage after a performance. If you want to give them to her after the performance you may want to think about what her favorite flowers are and get them. Lillies are always nice for the spring.They can add tulips and daffodils to the bouquet and it will make a beautiful spring choice, the colors are radiant and will stop her in her tracks. She may be speechless when she sees the colors of a Lilly bouquet with other spring flowers in it. My daughter got one of these from her boyfriend and everyone that saw it was in awe! I am not sure how much he spent on it, but it looked like he spent a fortune on it.!! But since it is spring you could get it for a good price.
Reply:I think its great,good for you.

I'm sure she will love it.

(Yellow roses are for friendship)
Reply:awww i wish my friend did that for me.....well if I wanted to get flowers from my bff I'd want roses or tulips, tulips are a sense of happiness and joy, so I hope i helped....... :D

puppy teeth

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