
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Flowers ...?

I have started buying my wife flowers randomly for no specific reason like birthday or aniversary, just like that out of the blue.

How common is this? Does you partner buy you flowers for no specific reason?

Flowers ...?
No mine didn't after we were married I asked him too and instead he came home with a metal flower saying there you can look at that when ever you want flowers and best yet it won't die on you.. Totally missed the point.

I think thats very sweet of you just to do it cause you want to not for any specific reason just cause you want to.

Good job your going to get more honey from your bee this way. It does't always have to be the big extravegant gifts all the time little things count too.

Good job
Reply:That was so very thoughful of you St. Anger just the thought means alot. I will picture it in my mind the pretty flowers you would have sent.

Your to kind.

Happiness always

Jane :-) Report It

Reply:I love when my husband buys me flowers. It shows that he still cares and thinks about me. You can never go wrong buying your special someone flowers. is a good place to find a florist in your area. Report It

Reply:I rarely get flowers from my partner. Usually I buy for myself. I don't like the cheap ones at the grocery store I prefer from the fresh flower stand or farmers market.

I had a guy that did that for me every week it was really sweet...he rented my basement and on payday he would pay his rent and bring me flowers and he'd make dinner. It was really sweet.

I had a boyfriend who frequently bought me flowers and placed them next to my bed and an other who bought me rose bushes so I would always have flowers. It's a nice memory thanks for reminding me.

BTW...Keep up the good work;)
Reply:You are such a sweet husband and your wife is a lucky lady. I have been married for 18 years and I think in the last 10yrs I may have gotten flowers once. Keep it up--I know your wife must love it!
Reply:its the sweetest thing!!i dont have a partner!!
Reply:How sweet! The most wonderful time was once my husband came home with his arms literally full of wildflowers, he could barely get through the doorway - it was fantabulous. He was working just outside the city and went and gathered them for me just before he came home. That meant more to me than any florist flowers!
Reply:I wish he would
Reply:Yes, I buy my wife flowers.....every few months.... for NO reason.....
Reply:That's so sweet. It always makes my day when my husband sends me flowers out of the blue.

Next time sign the card "your secret admirer." I always get a kick out of that :-)
Reply:No, my husband is prohibited from buying me flowers... LOL I tell him, just give me cash instead... Flowers is such a cliché, and a waste of money... He is so thoughful anyways, he always does things for me, I really don't need clichés to know that he cares.
Reply:That is a very beautiful gesture. It is the little things that make a woman's heart flutter. Even if it is a hand written note saying, "I love you." Never stop doing the simple things. God bless you and your family
Reply:No, and I'm glad he doesn't. Flowers are just a waste - they die in a few days and it's just not worth it. 2 years ago we went to a Renaissance Festival and my husband bought me a handmade wooden rose - the detail is extraordinary - and I keep it in our bedroom on the chest of drawers - to me it's the perfect flower because it will last forever and that's all I need.
Reply:flowers are a nice, romantic gesture . . but I guess it depends on what the woman likes . . . my fiance has never given me flowers because he thinks they are a waste of money . . they're just going to die anyway . . so he buys other things that he knows I like, like chocolates and things like that . . . any romantic or thoughtful gesture is always appreciated by me . . .
Reply:No and I like flowers. But he buys me other things, like Beavis and Butt-Head seasons 1, 2, 3 which I love. It just helps to be in tune with your partner, don't have to go by the general standard, find something she loves.
Reply:My Husband does this and I love it.

He sent me 100 roses on our wedding day.

He sent me 3 dozen roses when we moved into our new house.

He sent me 2 dozen roses the day of our daughter's birthday.

He sent me 1 dozen yellow roses and chicken noodle soup because I was having a bad day.

Your wife is very fortunate to have a Husband as caring and thougtful as you -- Bravo!
Reply:Yes, occasionally....what I really adore is that he knows how much I love pink carnations.........and when I get pink carnations it melts my heart.......roses are so cliche' in my opinion...every woman gets them.....I love pink carnations laced with forget-me-knots.......

genealogy mormon

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